Erfarenheter om IR-ljus

Forskare har rapporterat över 90% framgång i en summering av kinesiska studier som fastställt effekten av infrarödterapi på bl a:

  • Mjukvävnadsskador
  • Ländöveransträngning
  • Periartrit i skuldrorna
  • Ischias
  • Menstruationssmärtor
  • Neurodermatit
  • Eksem med infektioner
  • Efter-kirurgiska infektioner

Förbättring av muskelära sjukdomstillstånd

  • Lyckade behandlingar med infraröda värmebehandlingar rapporterade av japanska forskare:
  • TMJ Artrit • Muskel kramp – reducerad eller eliminerad
  • Traumatisk artrit
  • Ryggont – lättad
  • Acel-decel Injury Sequelae
  • Ledförslitningar – förlängda ledband eller att de lättare går av; de är vanliga för tävlingsidrottare, trauma och upprepande stress syndrom
  • Diskutsprångrelaterad nervvärk
  • Hjärnblåmärke – accelererad läkning
  • Spända skuldror – lossade, slappnade av
  • Kompressionsfraktur – Exempel: värk upphörde i 3 dagar med endast en enda behandling
  • Ryggmärgsskada – posttraumatisk chock upphävd
  • Muskelspänning – avslappnad
  • Träningsvärk mildras– viktigt för idrottsmän
  • Artrit: Gikt, ledgångsreumatism, DJD – alla väsentligt lindrade eller förbättrade
  • Värk i axlarna – lindrad eller försvunnen

Dr. Masao Nakamura på O & P Medical Clinic i Japan har rapporterat stor succé med användandet av infraröd värmebehandling bl a för:

  • Whiplash
  • Skoliosliknande tillstånd
  • Klimakteriebesvär
  • Artrit
  • Stelhet i axlarna
  • Reumatism
  • Akne
  • Magsäck- och tarm problem
  • Öronsjukdomar
  • Sömnlöshet

Japanska forskare har åstadkommit forskningsresultat, som rapporteras i boken ”The Sience Of Far-Infrared Therapy” av Dr. Yamazaki, med följande resultat.

  • Brännskador: lindrar smärta och kortar ner läkningstiden, med mindre ärrbildning
  • Högt blodtryck: säkert i området 40 – 50°C och reguljär användning hjälper till att minska detta
  • Lågt blodtryck: IR-bastu hjälper till att höja detta
  • Hjärnskador: accelererad reparation av hjärnblödning
  • Korttidsminnet förbättras
  • Cancer i tungan reverserad
  • Toxiska elektromagnetiska fält: effekterna neutraliserade
  • Hjärnblödning: tillfrisknandet påskyndat och signifikant förbättrat
  • Bilolyckor: mjukvävnadsskador – dagliga sessioner användes tills bästa läkningsresultat

uppnåddes; sedan användes infrarödvärme för att ta tag i permanenta skador. Smärtkontrolleffekten på de kroniska skadorna varade tre dagar innan ytterligare behandling var nödvändig.

  • Artrit, akut och kronisk: lindrades i hög grad
  • Gikt: lindrad
  • Reumatisk artrit: lindrad
  • Klimakteriebesvär: lindrade kyla, nervositet, depression, yrsel, huvud- och magsmärtor
  • Viktminskning: för det första, genom svettning och den energiförbrukning som är nödvändig för att producera svett, och för det andra, genom direkt utsöndring av fett.

Health benefits testimonials Testimonial 1:

My husband and I are very pleased with our Far-Infrared Sunlight Sauna. My husband’s poor circulation improved significantly after the first week of using it, daily. After the second week, his chronic sinus inflammation lessened, as well as annoying headaches. In less than 30 days, his cholesterol and blood pressure readings were down, as well. Overall, the daily 20 minute sessions provide increased physical and mental energy for the both of us. We would not be without our Far-Infrared Sunlight Sauna. We love it!! Buck & Connie Krieger, St. Louis, Missouri (This Sunlight owner may be contacted at: 314.965.7770)

Testimonial 2:

We were so impressed with your product and your sincere dedication to bettering the health of other beings on this planet we bought a 4 man cedar sauna. The first things I do in the a.m. are read all my e-mail and get our clients ranked, than it off to my own space in the sauna for 45 minutes. I feel great, have more energy and cal now leap buildings in a single bound. You do have the best product on the internet and deserve to be #1 ”HANDS DOWN”. Every one I come across who asks of a success; your company Sunlight Saunas is the first I mention (I also tell everyone they must have a sauna of their own). Garry Grant, CEO, SEO, Inc

Testimonial 3:

First, I would like to personally thank you for the generous terms you gave us on the saunas. As a non-profit public benefit company, we depend on people like you and your company to make these goals achievable and you were more than generous with your support. As you requested, enclosed is information on our program for drug and alcohol addiction. You will see, as you are reading the material, that we do not use any drugs in the treatment of drug and alcohol addiction. We use The New Life Detoxification program, which is a sauna program, to cleanse the body of an addict and their addiction. Our success rate for addicts on this program is significantly higher than other programs, due to the technology we use. Our center in Florida did a radio show in August regarding our The New Life Detoxification program. We did a 1 hour program for Narconon Florida on the Peter Gilham Hour on WTAN, and we promoted Sunlight Saunas. The sponsor of the program is Peter Gilham Nutrition Center. The radio show reaches up to 3 million listeners. We read a great deal of the literature off your website over the air and asked the listening audience to visit your website and learn more about the healing effects of this sauna. We talked for about 30 minutes about your sauna as well as the testimonial of your CEO. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Cheryl A. Alderman, Executive Director, Narconon Florida

Testimonial 4:

My computer has been out of order for a few days, but I wanted you to know the solo arrived Thursday and I tried it out that night. It is so soothing! Now that I have used it several times I have increased the heat setting. It feels like I am lying on the local beach in August. Just like the info says: warmth felt deep inside. It is definitely the most relaxing part of my day! Sheila Fink

Testimonial 5:

I really enjoy my sauna more than I thought I would. My wife talked me into getting it for her health, but I was real skeptical. It feels great and it is so convenient to use anytime I wish.

When the sauna arrived, I was a little apprehensive about putting it together- it looked massive. But, remarkably, it was very simple. There was a box that said ”open first” that the instructions were in. They were in detail and were very easy to follow. No major tools were required to put it together, just a screwdriver and a level. It came with seven pieces and they were very easy to assemble. In just 30 minutes or so with only some latches and a few bolts, I had it put together and ready to use. My wife held one of the walls while I latched two together, and that was the only help I needed. She sat and visited with me while I put the rest of it together. Only a couple days after we had received our sauna I received a pretty severe injury at work that left a huge bruise on the back of my calf muscle. It was so painful to walk, I was literally limping. My wife said the sauna would help heal the wound faster. So I spent 30 minutes in the morning and evening in the sauna, usually putting my leg up on the bench so it would be closer to the heaters. The pain subsided very quickly, and the bruise looked much better. In just three days I was able to walk with almost no pain in my leg, and I actually ran down to the barn without it hurting. As bad as it had been that first day I was expecting to be hobbling around for quite some time, I really think the sauna helped. Today is the fourth day and it doesn’t hurt to walk at all. I am really amazed, so when my wife told me to write you and tell you how much it had helped me already, I agreed. Josiah Dobbs

Testimonial 6:

I have had the sunlight solo unit for a week and have used it for 45 minutes per day at setting #7 or #8. I have noticed several results. The first result was that I lost 5 pounds and one inch from my waist. The second thing that I noticed is that I have more energy. The last thing I noticed is that I able to concentrate better. I am looking forward to more positive results over time. The purchase of the solo unit is one of the best investments that I have ever made. Bob Hedrick, Sunnyside, N.Y.

Testimonial 7:

Now I have to tell you that I tried the sauna again like yesterday, 10 minute warmup and then 50 minutes inside. WOW! This is truly a fantastic sauna experience. I sweat even more today and this time, I practically melted. My skin was basically coming off all over my body. This was the deepest and most complete sweat I ever had and it was GREAT! I LOVE IT! The heat is gentle but superbly penetrating. And when you get out, you feel so relaxed and rejuvenated. It’s a great product! Thanks Again. Glenn Lefkof San Jose, California

Testimonial 8:

Thank-you for your telephone call today regarding my experience with the Solo unit and infrared saunas in general. I have found that the Solo style of infrared sauna is an efficient and effective method of assisting toxins out of my patients bodies. As you know I have invested in several different brands of infrared saunas. I have found the Solo unit to be the best combination of therapeutic effect and business investment. I will be investing in more of the Solo units in the future, rather than the other brands that I have in use. A therapeutic tip for infrared therapy patients is that they consume adequate essential fatty acids (EFAs). This will assist in the release of the stored problematic trans fatty acids as well as fat soluble toxins. Acceptable EFA products include flax, hemp, and olive oils, as well as the various nutritional oil blends. Acceptable dosages vary depending upon body weight, with four to eight table spoons per day being a recommended intake for the average one hundred and seventy five pound adult. Dr. David Wikenheiser Vancouver, BC

Testimonial 9:

I am writing to let you know how pleased I am with the RA 2 infrared sauna we installed at our Lady of America facility. The sauna is not only attractive to look at but gives a fantastic sweat that I have not experienced in conventional saunas. With over 2,500 members our ladies demand the latest in fitness technology and Sunlight Sauna is a perfect solution to assist in weight loss, circulation, detoxification, and relaxation. The sauna has added a consistent and steady revenue stream for us and a wonderful service for our ladies. We have found great success in bundling the sauna with other profit centers. Our members have become ADDICTED to the sauna. It is an inside joke at the gym that we are like drug dealers. We gave them a free sauna, got them hooked and now they are addicted. Well they love it, and it is so healthy for them and profitable for us. It is a WIN, WIN. I really appreciate the support we received from Sunlight Saunas’ infrared sauna specialists. The week after we received the RA 2 a Sunlight Sauna representative educated my team on how to properly price, sell, and market the product. Now that’s customer service! Keep up the good work and thanks again for your help. Lori Warshaw Owner Lady of America, Deerfield Beach, Florida

Testimonial 10:

Thank-you very much for my sauna!!! My husband set it up and I’ve been using it nightly on a regular basis–when I’m home–have been very busy out on vacation–so sorry this thank-you has taken a while to arrive. Again, I want to Thank-you very much, and I’ll keep in touch. . Thank-you again Connie, it is worth every penny–and I’ve been feeling great!! JoAnn Lucero Alameda, California

Testimonial 11:

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for all you’ve done in helping us establish Sunlight Saunas in our three Ladies Workout Express locations. Not only has it become a selling point for new members, but our current members are realizing the benefits as well. Many of our members use the Solo Bed for the pure joy of relaxation and to rid themselves of their daily stress. They take an additional 30 minutes out of their busy schedules to just get away and relax and they love it. We also have members who have medical reasons for using it, such as fibromyalgia and arthritis. The addition of the Sunlight Sauna to our clubs has become one more reason for women to join Ladies Workout Express and has set us apart from our competition that much more. The Sunlight Sauna is an investment we will gladly make again when we open another club. The idea you gave us to sell $20 a week unlimited passes has really taken off. At this rate, we hope to have the Solo Bed paid off within a few months. There aren’t many investments that will pay for itself in that short a period of time and that’s just one more reason for why we chose Sunlight Sauna. Bill and I wish to extend to you and your family a very happy and healthy New Year! Warmest regards, Marcy L. Rochford, Owner Ladies Workout Express

Gurresta Spa